Simple GUI Library
Sgl::Shadow Member List

This is the complete list of members for Sgl::Shadow, including all inherited members.

getSpecification() const (defined in Sgl::Shadow)Sgl::Shadow
getTexture() const (defined in Sgl::Shadow)Sgl::Shadow
render(const Sml::Rectangle< int32_t > &object, const Sml::Rectangle< int32_t > &targetRegion) (defined in Sgl::Shadow)Sgl::Shadow
setSpecification(const ShadowSpecification *specification) (defined in Sgl::Shadow)Sgl::Shadow
Shadow(const ShadowSpecification *specification=nullptr) (defined in Sgl::Shadow)Sgl::Shadow
update(const Sml::Texture *srcTexture, const Sml::Rectangle< int32_t > &objectRegion) (defined in Sgl::Shadow)Sgl::Shadow
~Shadow() (defined in Sgl::Shadow)Sgl::Shadow